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Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the minimum age requirement to enroll in the driving school?
Typically, you must be at least 16 years old to enroll in a driving school. However, in some areas, enrollment can be done at younger ages with learner's permits.
What documents do I need to enroll in the driving school?
Documents such as identification, driver's license application form, and a health report are generally required. Document requirements may vary depending on the region, so it's important to check local regulations.
How long does the driving school program last?
The duration of driving school programs can vary but usually spans between 2 to 6 weeks. The length of the course depends on the content of the course, the learning pace of the student, and local regulations.
What are the fees for the course, and when do I pay them?
Course fees vary by region and driving school. Fees are typically paid at the time of registration or at the beginning of the course. Installment payment options may also be available.
What subjects will I learn during driver's education?
You will receive instruction on topics including basic driving skills, defensive driving, traffic rules and signs, and how to handle emergency situations. The curriculum may vary based on local regulations and the specific course program.